Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Meet me by the willow tree ~ poetry

Meet me by the willow tree
Hold my hand and let's be free
I don't know what the future brings
But I need you, not fancy things

Kiss my lips with your eyes closed
While I stand on tippy toes
Hold me close, don't let me go
Cause I need you, I love you so

Meet me by the willow tree
Hold my hand and let's be free
I don't know what the future holds
I need you, not some fancy clothes

Dancing under pale moonlight
Staying close, you hold me tight
I cry because I'll miss you, my dear
You kiss my lips and wipe my tears

So, meet me by the willow tree
Hold my hand and let's be free
Though not together, we're not apart
Cause babe, I carry you in my heart.

© Renny Hall

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Crimson Revenge... Payback in Blood. Part 3

Ravvyn was growing tired as she walked through the Whispering Woods.  She couldn't afford to make a mistake now. Even though the orange light led her to her destination and safety, the light had also garnered a lot of unwanted attention.  At the edge of the light, following her in the shadows, was a horde of hungry creatures.  She could hear them growling, slavering and scratching as they followed along behind her.
Nervousness returned and she decided to hold her axes ready as she walked.  Her eyes darted from side to side and she glanced behind her every now and then catching glimpses of glowing eyes.  She wished she had wings to fly out of here.


The stormcrow perched upon a bough that was low and visible. It's lustrous eyes glowing like the moon in the darkness.  Small crackles of lightning ran through the stormcrow's feathers, lighting the darkness of the Whispering Woods.  The stormcrow fluffed it's feathers as it sat and waited patiently.  Any moment now...

A few moments later a glowing orange light traced it's way on the ground toward the stormcrow.  Behind the flames walked an exhausted and scared looking dark elf female... and behind her... a large group of nightmare creatures waiting to get her, should she leave the protection of the light.

"Caaw CAWW!"  said the stormcrow, attempting to get itself noticed.  "Caww Caww Cawwww!"

Ravvyn squinted to see past the bright flames.  Some sort of bird was perched in a tree and squawking at her.  Ravvyn was exhausted so when the crow's wings flashed with lightning she passed it off as a hallucination.  Until the bird flew to the ground by the light trail.  The trail stopped and held it's place, burning brighter than before.  Ravvyn stood, axes at the ready, checking all around her for the beasts that were following her while trying to keep a wary eye on the stormcrow.

The crow took a few steps toward Ravvyn, turning it's head to look at her and study her.  It stopped a few feet away then it started to flash and crackle with lightning. Storm clouds spread out from it's jet blueish-black feathers.  Then a storm enveloped the crow and expanded upward.  When the storm ended seconds later, there stood a night elf woman of remarkable beauty.  She wore robes of blueish-black feathers that crackled with lightning and a purple and blue cloak.  Her shoulders had more crackling feathers.  To Ravvyn she looked like a light being called an angel.  Her hair was pure white, just like ravvyn's, but very long and shiny.  Feathers and beautiful leaves wove through her hair.

The night elf smiled kindly and spoke, "Do not be alarmed." she said in a melodic, smooth voice.  "My name is Joliset and I am here to help you."

Ravvyn just stared suspiciously.  Beasts growled, hissed and scratched around them. A few fights were breaking out among the creatures, as they competed for the closest spots to the prey, in the shadows.

"Rennoewen and Cazora have sent me here to help you Ravvyn.  I am from the guild." Joliset gracefully waved her arms.  Leaves began to swirl around and the ground around them began to glow a luminescent green. Ravvyn instantly felt amazing! She was feeling well rested, strong and the healthiest she had ever felt.  Her eyes widened and she looked at Joliset who smiled kindly and continued to wave her arms and cast spells.  A storm began to brew. Dark roiling clouds formed at the edges of the light and thunder bellowed loudly as lightning snaked through the blackest clouds.  Wind howled and hail pelted outward, striking the creatures in waiting.  Several ran away frightened.  Others were pelted with fist sized hail chunks.  You could hear screeching and yelping.  The winds blew so strongly that the trees began to bend and bow. Joliset released the storm and it pushed outward knocking all of the creatures away.  Then Joliset was covered in the crackling clouds again, disappearing into them.  Then there stood a pure white deer in the spot where Joliset was moments before.  "Hop on my back Ravvyn! Let's get out of here before those hungry things recover!" the deer said in Joliset's voice.

Ravvyn didn't hesitate, she lept onto the deer's back and held onto the fur.  The flame trail started moving much faster this time.  The deer began sprinting and leaping after it quickly.  Joliset the deer leaped gracefully through all of the obstacles as it followed the trail of flame.  Ravvyn was grinning so widely.  Actually... that was the first time Ravvyn had ever smiled in her life.  Her heart was leaping with excitement and joy.  What other new and wondrous things would she find out there in the world?!  She was looking forward to exploring and finding out.