Friday, January 8, 2016

Ode to Choppa

There is a mighty strong orc
Who was delivered by 100 stork
Born with a great axe in his hands
He became the best tank in all the lands


There was only one hitch
He tumbled into every ditch
For though he was knighted
He was also far sighted

Choppa, so tall, his voice a low rumble
A kind-hearted soul,  yet so kind and humble
He went to the mines to mine ore for a bit
But he dropped down a bottomless pit

One time,  as I followed behind the old fellow
Choppa promised I could work the bellows
On our way to the forge
We ended up in a gorge

And this story's not done at fall 1 or fall 8
I could tell you a fall for each calendar date
Choppa fell down each cliff,  each crevasse, and each pit
He fell down each mountain,  each trolley, and each lift

He's tripped down each step of every stair
You often can see him fall passed through the air
One thing I find most endearing of all
 Is that after each tumble, each plummet, each fall
Choppa always gets up and dusts off with a grin
Turns to his friends and says, "Let's do dat again!"

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