Thursday, July 30, 2015


Hello, my friend.

Let us speak of something that is surrounded in a lot of misconception: Addiction.  A lot of people would villainize and persecute people with addictions, but that isn't helping anyone.  In fact, it makes the problem worse.  Not only are we, as a country, spending billions of dollars on the "war on drugs", we are focusing on punishing people instead of helping them.  Addicts need love, not punishment.  According to this Ted talk, addiction starts with unhappiness and lack of human connections.  Punishing these people is like throwing salt in the wound.

Why am I talking about this?

I am an addict.

I can sit here and deny my addictive ways all I want.  The truth is, it's there.   I have an addiction to pain pills, so much so that, I find myself unable to control the compulsion to take them if I know someone has them.  I become a thief.  I have been able to fight these compulsions for the most part.  Only because there are no pills in my house.  I took them all.

My next addiction and it's really hard to admit it because I've kept it a secret.  I am a smoker.  There.  I said it.  I have a nicotine addiction.  I have a really hard time stopping this because it medicates my anxiety disorder.  I have converted to mostly vapor, but I've been unable to stop.  I know a person who doesn't understand addiction will say, "Just stop".  I have tried.  Many times.  The compulsion wins every time.  I never smoke cigarettes in front of my children or my spouse.  I am embarrassed and I don't want my kids to be addicted to cigarettes when they grow up.  Yes, I know it's bad for me.  The addiction remains.

Gamer.  Some people would disagree that playing video games is an addiction.  I beg to differ.  When you live in a world that sucks, you are draw into the beautiful fantasy worlds of Azeroth, outer space, and Tattoinne.  A person with addictive personality can easily become addicted to gaming.  In the past, I have spent 80+ hours in one week playing video games.  This addiction is easy to break once you have a little one to look after and they become your world.  10-15 years ago though, I was a gaming addict.  I still game, but nowhere near what I was before.

From my own perspective, addicts seek out things that make them feel better, more connected, less sad, less pain, less scared...  If we could just change from this hatred to love and understanding, I think our drug problems would decrease greatly.  Addicts are not criminals.  People who treat addicts like criminals are the criminals.  Rehabilitation, not criminalization is the answer.

And guess what?  You love an addict.  You may not realize it, but chances are you have a friend or loved one who is an addict.  Let that sink in.  Now, will you go handcuff them and lock them away or are you going to go over and help them?  Love is always the answer.

<3 R


  1. Beautiful post. Do me a favor. Google SMART recovery. Good program, online meetings and support, evidence based. Not AA, not punitive, no surrendering your will. Study backed. Look into it for me, so you can move to healthier ways of medicating, perhaps chemical free at some point.

  2. Thank you. I will look into it. I promise.


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